Friday, April 30, 2010

Mulholland Dr. (Or how Lynch fried my brain)

David Lynch's Mulholland Dr. is a dark's full of blank parody, unexpected plot twists, and excitement. After watching it in class, I was pretty much as clueless as I could possibly get, so I watched it again. Before taking any sound postmodernist approaches to the film, I'm going to attempt to analyze it. I might be reading further into this than absolutely necessary...or I might not, but if I'm right, then Lynch is pure freaking genius (as well as one hell of an artist).

Seeing the beginning of the film again connected a lot of dots. It starts off with a somewhat psychedelic jitterbug scene, which is really complex...visually stunning with the layers of film being viewed at once. Toward the end of it, we see Diane and the two older folks coming in and out of focus. Given the fact that we later learn that Diane wins the contest in Canada, and her parents are in Canada, I think that the old couple is actually Diane's parents. This is key to the rest of my analysis of this film...they play a bigger role than what it initially seems. After seeing Diane and her parents, it cuts to a less explicit that make very little sense until seeing the film again. It's Diane's bed, and she's going to sleep. Right after that, we see the Mulholland Dr. street sign, which is the start of a dream that Diane is going to have. Assuming that what we see between seeing the Mulholland Dr. sign and seeing The Cowboy [in his second appearance] waking Diane up from her dream is actually all 100% dream, then the film is revolving around Diane's struggle with her love for Camilla, who contrary to her role as Rita, is in reality a really mean person.

So, given all of that, here is my proof for why it was a dream...aside from the scene where Diane goes to sleep, there is a scene near the end of the movie where Diane is at Winkie's talking with the hitman. Instead of the waitress being named Diane and our dream-world protagonist being Betty, it's the other way around...the real-world protagonist is Diane, and the waitress is Betty. Diane explicitly says to the hitman "This is the girl", referring to Camilla. That line is used over and over and over in the dream, as the Mafia tells Adam (to his extreme displeasure) that there is an actress that will be getting lots and lots of lead roles. In the dream, after Betty's successful audition, she goes to the set of a film that Adam is directing, and Betty and Adam stare at each other for almost a minute before Betty becomes very disheartened and leaves without auditioning. This is a reflection and possibly a rationalization of why Camilla was cast as a lead and Diane was not.

Earlier in the film, at Winkie's, there is a seemingly irrelevant scene in which a man describes a nightmare he has been having. This didn't initially serve as a clue that everything was Diane's dream, but it kinda ties in...only a little bit. I think it might be just a blank parody, and possibly Lynch thwarting our expectations of this scene being explained by not explaining it at all. It was interesting though, and the slightly unnatural mannerisms the characters have hints that it is in the dream-world. Yet another clue that Diane is dreaming is when the really really really really tactless hitman is attempting to steal a little black book from a guy who may have been involved in the car crash that erased Rita's memory. The lack of skill that is demonstrated by the hitman is Diane subconsciously hoping that the hitman hired to kill Camilla doesn't succeed, because although Camilla is rotten to the core, Diane is infatuated with her and ultimately wants to be with her, which is what the entire dream reflects.

So, since I didn't realize exactly what was going on at the beginning of the movie, Betty's over-the-top happiness threw me off, as did the extremities shown by a lot of other characters (Coco, who confirms the dream by saying "Well just call me Coco, everybody does" both in and out of the dream). However, nothing tops the scene where Betty invites Rita into her bed, and Rita becomes nude. At that point, it was so out of left field for me that I couldn't even try to figure it out...but rather just accepted it, given the film's zany and eccentric track record thus far. The movie hadn't gotten dark or unnerving yet either. It eventually became clear that the relationship Betty and Rita had was Diane wishing she and Camilla had a fun and loving relationship.

Near the end of the dream, Rita wakes Betty up saying "Silencio! Silencio!", and says that they need to go somewhere. Rita takes Betty to an illusionist's show, where after it is stated that everything is an illusion, a woman begins to sing a love song. However, halfway through the song, the singer passes out while the song goes on. Just before the love song, the illusionist appears to be controlling the lights, and Betty begins convulsing. At first, I thought 'oh dear, she's epileptic', but seeing how she recovers, and the dream goes on, I realized that it was at that very moment that she realized she was dreaming...and the dream became a lucid dream. Given that, the next sequence with the little blue box makes much more sense. Before I realized that it was all a dream, I was really confused as to where Betty suddenly disappeared to when she was holding the box. I suspected that there might actually be magic at work, and that reality was not what it seems. When Rita also disappears into the box though, and The Cowboy tells Diane that it is time to wake up, the dream ends. Generally speaking, dreams are very realistic, despite how unnatural they can be. This explains why there were so many strange things going on in the dream, and why some parts of it were irrelevant.

Waking up from the dream and returning to an unhappy life is not what Diane wants. Her neighbor stops by for her belongings (which is referred to in the dream). Based on how her neighbor acts in the dream, saying in a cold tone that she and Diane had switched apartments, and also based on how the two women interact in reality when she stops by to get her belongings from Diane, I'd say that the two of them used to be in a relationship, which ended on bad terms. We see the blue key that the hitman says will be there when Camilla is dead, and Diane looks very distressed. After this, there is a flashback to when Camilla invites Diane to a party at Adam's, which serves only to shove it in Diane's face that Camilla is done with her, and with Adam. Camilla further makes the point of being done with Diane by kissing another woman, right in front of everyone. It's incredibly sad, and makes Diane more of a protagonist...and victim. The scene at Winkie's with the hitman follows, and another dream-like scene with the monster from the first Winkie's scene is seen with the blue box. It drops the box, and the old couple (Diane's parents) crawl out of the bag. After that, we see Diane staring at the blue key. She looks really tired, sick, scared, and generally not well. When the old couple crawls into her apartment, and the knocking begins, Diane starts to freak out. Suddenly, her parents are back to normal size, and chasing her into her bedroom. Typically, people view their parents as being just, virtuous, and part of their conscience. Growing up, it means a lot to someone to have their parent's approval of something. Obviously, hiring a hitman to kill Camilla is not conscience-approved, so the parents chasing Diane represents her struggle with the choice she made. Ultimately, she is driven to suicide by her own guilt.

Postmodernist thought might disagree with my analysis, so I'm going to look at this with a more shallow approach. There is definitely a lot of blank parody, such as film noir style, typical detective film references, and the big Hollywood cliche where someone goes to Hollywood to make it big as an actress. In her article, Martha Nichimson states that "the blue box, empty, does not represent anything, the questions a rationally trained audience will puzzle over." That's postmodernism in a nutshell...and it would make sense for Lynch to have a meaningless blue box for the audience to ponder over, since he is good at playing with the expectations of an audience. I don't think that this is completely true though. It might be meaningless in the scene where Diane's parents crawl out of the paper bag the box is in, but even at that point, it might still represent the fact that dreams and the conscience both reside in the head. The box could represent the portal into Diane's mind. In class, we talked about the protagonist of the film being Hollywood, not Betty, Diane, Camilla, Rita, or any other character. I disagree with that, and view Hollywood as more of an enabler, making it possible for dreams to come well as dreams to be crushed. "Hollywood often plausibly referred to as the 'dream factory,' makes a perfect setting for the drama of the lethal implications of the loss of creative freedom."

I think I ran out of things to say now. So that's that, I loved the movie, and I loved trying to figure it out!


  1. Glad you liked it! I also like the images you chose for this. I'm curious what you mean by 'blank parody' here. It's a term that needs defining. Is parody Lynch's intent? Parody of what? Also, the old couple can't be Betty's parents. She met them on the plane and shared a cab with them, remember? I think that the movie might well be a dream, but I don't think that Betty/Diane is necessarily the one dreaming.

  2. By blank parody, I mean Lynch is replicating certain styles, such as film noir, without mocking it (as Tina Fey does with Sarah Palin). I am glued to the idea that Diane is dreaming, and is Betty in that dream though...and having the old couple be her parents is key for this to work. Is it possible that the part where Betty met the old couple on the plane is a way of symbolizing that she had a somewhat distant relationship with her parents, and didn't know them that well? I might just be digging around for an excuse to solidify my analysis...but who knows. Coming up with this kind of stuff is too much fun to not come up with it!! :)
